From the desk of: Zachary Stockill


Break Through the Pain and Frustration and Get Clarity and Peace of Mind About The "Meaning" Of Your Partner's Past

As seen in:

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Dear Friend:

What if you could finally answer the "values question" about your partner's past, once and for all?

Imagine the calm in knowing exactly how to move forward. The confidence in knowing you have the power to beat retroactive jealousy...

And the peace of mind to determine the future of your relationship with a clear head — today and tomorrow.

Now you can finally get clarity about your partner’s true values, risk-manage your relationship, get clear about whether your retroactive jealousy is “rational” or not…

… with the advanced tactics and exercises I’ve perfected “behind closed doors” with hundreds of 1-on-1 coaching clients for the past decade…

… because I’ve boiled it down into a simple, all-new, easy-to-implement system called “The Path to Peace”—and today it’s available for the first time ever.

Long story short:

Very soon, you’ll gain clarity about whether your retroactive jealousy is mostly “rational” or “irrational,” and know how to move forward with peace of mind.

This unique, all-new masterclass helps retroactive jealousy sufferers get quick clarity about their relationship boundaries and values without spending thousands of dollars on therapy, or wasting months (or years) in the wrong relationship.

Finally, an online masterclass devoted to helping you gain clarity about your partner's past that just works:

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Even if… you’ve been going back and forth on whether your feelings about your partner’s past are “rational,” or “normal.”

Even if… you’ve felt “paralyzed” by retroactive jealousy off and on for years or even decades.

Even if… you have serious questions about your partner’s morals, and the real “meaning” or significance of their past...

But you don't have to take my word for it...

Meet Andrew:

I was in a VERY dark place with retroactive jealousy. One night at work I sat crying... thinking there is no way out of this.

We discussed a daily routine, and just like that--for 4-5 weeks, RJ was gone, not even a thought.

I'm the happiest I've ever been in my relationship... I want to thank-you from the bottom of my heart for helping me through it.

'Andrew', USA
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Or 'Alison':

You truly understand this weird issue and have provided me with so much relief...

I really have felt that you can completely relate, and know exactly what to do... You have reassured me that there is nothing wrong with my relationship and did a great job at separating the two from the irrational thought process...

Thank you for everything. You have actually changed my life.

Alison, USA
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Or 'Raymond':

It's hard to describe how different I feel now compared to a couple of months ago...

As you know, I suffered from RJ for almost two years... There's no way I could've gotten to this point of peace again without you.

You totally changed my life for the good... I'm forever grateful.

'Raymond', UK
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Let me ask you a question...

When you were younger, and you imagined your perfect relationship, did you envision feeling both deep love AND crippling uncertainty?

Did you ever think you would experience intrusive thoughts, curiosity, and “mental movies” about your partner’s past relationships/dating history?

Did you dream of sleepless nights, endless anxiety, and constant doubt about your partner’s past choices?

Unable to answer for yourself whether your feelings about your partner’s past are “rational,” or mostly “irrational?”

Did you imagine “retroactive jealousy?”

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Probably not.

These days, you think to yourself…

I have a great relationship with an amazing person right now, in the present… So why am I so hung up on their past?”

“Are there genuine red flags in my partner’s past dating history, or am I overreacting?”

“What if my partner doesn’t share my values?”

“Is my retroactive jealousy rational, or irrational?”

“Is this the person I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with… or is their past truly a deal-breaker?”

Off and on, for weeks or even months, not sure how to move forward, asking yourself…

“Should I spend my time taking the steps to overcome retroactive jealousy…

…or finding a new relationship?”

What if life was different?

Imagine waking up in the morning with crystal clarity about the “significance” (or not) of your partner’s past.

Imagine holding your partner tightly, giving and receiving love without hesitation, and planning an incredible future together—without worrying about their past.

Imagine the comfort in having clarity about your compatibility with your partner, and moving forward with rock-solid confidence, either way.

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Imagine total peace of mind about how to proceed, and clarity on the exact next steps to take toward freedom.

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Hi. My name is Zachary Stockill.

Over the past decade, my work has helped thousands of retroactive jealousy sufferers gain clarity and peace of mind about their partner's past.

In my coaching practice, I’ve worked individually with hundreds of RJ sufferers from around the world, helping them sort through crucial questions like:

“Am I experiencing irrational retroactive jealousy, or is my partner’s past ACTUALLY a problem?”

“Are there genuine ‘red flags’ in my partner’s past dating history?”

“How can I stop feeling so judgmental of my partner’s past?”

“Should I take the steps to overcome irrational retroactive jealousy, or would I be better off in a different relationship?”

Since 2013, my work on retroactive jealousy has been featured in BBC News, BBC Radio 4, HuffPost, The Sun and numerous other podcasts and publications.

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(I’ve even collaborated with researchers from Harvard, and The Ohio State University, with my work cited in research papers in scholarly journals.)

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But beyond all that, I’m a retroactive jealousy survivor.

So if anything you’ve read so far on this page sounds familiar, that’s why—

I’ve been in your shoes.

I know how frustrating and confusing retroactive jealousy can feel.

I remember having the same questions, the same concerns, the same confusion about my then-girlfriend’s past…

And my feelings of hurt, disgust, and torment about her past—and whether we should move forward together, or break up.

Thankfully—over years of research, exploration, and a lot of trial and error, I discovered a roadmap to arrive at total clarity and peace of mind…

A simple step-by-step framework for sorting through my questions, confusion, and turmoil about my partner’s past once and for all…

New systems to gain new clarity and peace of mind about my personal boundaries, and values in relationships…

So I started sharing them with others...

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I’m so happy that my previous online courses and books have liberated thousands of retroactive jealousy sufferers over the past decade.

Still, many RJ sufferers want (or even need) to go deeper.

Deeper into questions of boundaries, values, “red flags,” the vetting process, and whether or not their partner’s past truly matters.

So in 2014, in my 1-on-1 coaching practice, I started going deeper.

Utilizing ancient practices inspired by Stoic philosophy, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, I conceptualized a new, wholly unique framework anyone can use to gain clarity and peace of mind, and break through retroactive jealousy doubt and indecision.

And the results my clients experienced were beyond my wildest expectations.

But not everyone has the time or the resources for one-on-one coaching. And I get that.

So I wanted to offer the exact same framework that I use with my coaching clients to everyone.

So every retroactive jealousy sufferer can explore their values, and gain greater clarity, direction, and peace of mind.

Over the past decade, I’ve shared and refined this framework with hundreds of 1-on-1 coaching clients from around the world.

I’ve helped hundreds of retroactive jealousy survivors break the shackles of retroactive jealousy-induced indecision, gain crystal clarity about their boundaries and values, and how to move forward with confidence and direction.

And today—you can do the same thing.

Introducing: The Path to Peace

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An All-New Online Video Masterclass for Retroactive Jealousy Sufferers to Get Clarity about Boundaries, Values, and “Deal-Breakers” in Relationships

“The Path to Peace” is the only online masterclass designed specifically for retroactive jealousy sufferers struggling with the question of their partner’s values

And whether or not their feelings about their partner’s past are mostly “rational,” or “irrational.”

Not every retroactive jealousy sufferer wonders whether or not their partner’s past truly “matters,” or if there could be genuine cause for concern in their partner’s past.

This masterclass is for those that do.

"The Path to Peace" Is For You IF...

…you’ve ever wondered whether or not your partner’s past is actually a “deal-breaker”

…you go back and forth on the question of whether or not your partner’s past truly “matters”

…you struggle with the question of your partner’s morals and/or values, and the “risk-factor” involved in staying with them long-term

…you aren’t sure whether or not your feeling about your partner’s past are “justified” or “rational,” or whether you should save your relationship and overcome retroactive jealousy

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Featuring 2.5 hours of all-new, exclusive, on-demand HD video, and over 15 video lessons and exercises, “The Path to Peace” will help you arrive at your own conclusions, your own direction, your own peace of mind, your own clarity…

…without wasting months or years (and thousands of dollars) in therapy with counsellors who “just don’t get it…”


…without wasting years in constant turmoil with your partner, unsure of how to move forward (or not) in your relationship

If you just follow the simple, time-tested exercises in this all-new masterclass, “The Path to Peace” will help you discover the answers you need.

Watch the Short Video Below to Learn More:

Here's Everything That's Included in this All-New Video Masterclass...

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Part 1: Intro and Overview

- Who this course is for: men and women in relationships who are struggling with the “values” of their partner’s past. You’re probably wondering, on some level: “is this a dealbreaker?”

- The difference between “rational” and “irrational” RJ

- NOT every RJ sufferer struggles with the “values” question—this masterclass is for those that do, to help you determine next steps, and gain greater peace of mind

- What you need to succeed in this masterclass; setting yourself up for success

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Part 2: Retroactive Jealousy and Relationship Risk-Management

- What is risk-management in dating and relationships?

- The #1 MOST important framework for relationship risk-management

- How to determine genuine clashes in values

- How to spot the difference between “rational” and “irrational” retroactive jealousy

- What are “red flags?” What are “deal-breakers?” How to know the difference for yourself?

- The 7 most IMPORTANT relationship “red flags” [ignore these at your peril]

- What are “green flags?” What to look for while dating

- The 3 most important characteristics to look for in a long-term partner (SO important)

- Getting clarity about your “hierarchy of values” and how it relates to retroactive jealousy (this changes everything)

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Part 3: Getting the Answers You Need

- Outlining your relationship goals - getting rational and specific

- Designing your dream relationship (yes, it really is possible)

- Is it “irrational?” Or “intuition?” (How to spot the difference)

- Reflecting on your own past, and its role (or not) in retroactive jealousy

- Weighing the present against the past - what is important?

- How to assess your partner’s values in the present (Just follow this easy process)

- How to conceptualize and internalize new perspectives and frameworks for overcoming retroactive jealousy

- Exposing (and eliminating) your biggest relationship fears and insecurities (Absolute game-changer)

- How to assess your partner’s values, their suitability for a relationship, and the future of your relationship with a clear mind

- EXACTLY HOW to keep retroactive jealousy at bay for the rest of your life (I’m serious)

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Part 4: How to Make Your Decision

- Putting it all together; how to determine your road map for healing

- Getting in touch with your “true self,” and genuine intuition (this one goes deep…)

- Looking at every possible future outcome, and weighing your options moving forward

- How to know if ending your relationship is the smart thing to do (You can’t afford to get this wrong)

- Discovering whether or not your retroactive jealousy is “rational,” or “irrational," once and for all

- Moving forward with clarity and confidence

- How to process your decision for maximum peace of mind


If You Register for the Masterclass Right Now...

As a special “thank-you” for your trust and support, if you purchase "The Path to Peace" right now, at no extra charge you’ll also receive access to:

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An Exclusive Bonus Guided Meditation for Accessing Your Intuition

($47 FREE)

This exclusive bonus 20-minute guided meditation will help you get deeper in touch with intuition, so you can make decisions about the future your relationship with confidence and peace of mind

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Hundreds of Stories of Healing from Around the World...

Read More Real-Life Testimonials For My Work:

*Some personal details hidden to ensure client/student privacy


I wanted to tell you that I am completely healed...

I feel like a new person now.

Anonymous, USA
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I finished the course today...

Personally, it's been a total life changer, and the best thing I've ever done for me..

It really did make a big difference for me.

"A", USA
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I remember calling every psychiatrist within a 30 mile radius to no avail before stumbling across your website.

My exact thoughts were "If this course is even half as useful as advertised, it will still be the best purchase I ever made," and I was right.

What you do truly changes peoples lives. It definitely changed mine. My girlfriend and I have been happily together for over 3 years now, and honestly, as weird as it sounds, we have you to thank for that.

Nathaniel, Canada
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Your course has helped me so much…

The last week has been amazing for me and has eased my RJ more than I could have imagined.

Dan, USA
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It's been almost a year now and I cannot believe the difference in how I feel...

Your course has literally changed my life and I'm happier than ever with a new found confidence and compassion...

Thank-you so much.

Michael, USA
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I want to let you know I used a lot of your work today with my girlfriend and just wanted to thank you...

I hope you understand the amount of gratitude I have for you and your course. I could never have continued without you...

Thank you again from me and my girlfriend.

Billy, Canada
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I wanted to thank you so much for all the time, effort, and research you have put into making this course.

I completed it in about 2 and half weeks and I started seeing results from the moment I started.

It was incredible. I'm so pleased to be doing so much better...

'N', USA
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I once thought I was doomed, and that I was going to have to leave the woman I loved because of silly unwanted thoughts and mental images. But that's not true...

Your course really helped me through that time and it was worth every penny.

Anthony, USA
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Dozens More Success Stories on My Website, YouTube, and Beyond...

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By this point, you know what “The Path to Peace” is all about...

And if you’re still reading, the way I see it, at this point you have three options:

Option 1) Keep doing what you’ve been doing (continuing to feel frustrated and hurt about your partner’s past, and confused about how to move forward)

Option 2) Spend several months and thousands of dollars on therapy (which isn’t guaranteed to work, with a counsellor who has not—in all likelihood—even heard of the term ‘retroactive jealousy’)


Option 3) Access the simple, time-tested, proven system inside “The Path to Peace” right now so you can finally gain the clarity and direction you need to have the life you want.

But It Gets Even Better...

My Zero-Risk, No-Questions-Asked 60-Day Moneyback Guarantee.

Everyone who follows the laid-out steps inside gets results, which is why all of my courses have close to a 0% refund rate.

But if, for whatever crazy reason, it doesn't work for you?

Simply send me an email within 30 60 days of your purchase and I'll personally refund your every cent, no questions asked.

Why am I willing to take all the risk?

Because I know it works.

What you will find inside “The Path to Peace” changed my life, changed the lives of hundreds of others, and I know it will change yours, as you'll see.

That Makes This Purchase 100% Risk-Free For You.

So the only real question is...

Which Masterclass Package is Right for You?


Instant, unlimited access to the complete "Path to Peace" Online Video Masterclass. The moment your payment is processed, you'll receive an email with access to all of the course videos on-demand, accessible using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or PC. (2.5 hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: Guided Meditation for Accessing Your Intuition (Limited-Time Offer)

Instant, unlimited access to "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," my flagship online video course for getting quick relief from intrusive thoughts, obsessive curiosity, and "mental movies" about your partner's past. (11+ hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: One in-depth, personalized email consultation with author, instructor, and coach Zachary Stockill. Ask me absolutely anything in a confidential e-mail, and get invaluable, personalized guidance, support, and feedback as you overcome retroactive jealousy.

BONUS: An exclusive invitation to my 500+ member secret Facebook discussion group for current and past students. Get even more personalized support, guidance, and feedback from retroactive jealousy survivors from around the world.

60-Day, No-Questions-Asked Moneyback Guarantee

SSL secure, one-time payment of only $197 $97

**Most Popular Option


Instant, unlimited access to the complete "Path to Peace" Online Video Masterclass. The moment your payment is processed, you'll receive an email with access to all of the course videos on-demand, accessible using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or PC. (2.5 hours of exclusive content)

Instant, unlimited access to "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," my flagship online video course for getting quick relief from intrusive thoughts, obsessive curiosity, and "mental movies" about your partner's past. (11+ hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: Guided Meditation for Accessing Your Intuition (Limited-Time Offer)

BONUS: One in-depth, personalized email consultation with author, instructor, and coach Zachary Stockill. Ask me absolutely anything in a confidential e-mail, and get invaluable, personalized guidance, support, and feedback as you overcome retroactive jealousy.

BONUS: An exclusive invitation to my 500+ member secret Facebook discussion group for current and past students. Get even more personalized support, guidance, and feedback from retroactive jealousy survivors from around the world.

60-Day, No-Questions-Asked Moneyback Guarantee

SSL secure, one-time payment of only $697 $477

If you have any questions or concerns about “The Path to Peace,” please send me an email at

I’m happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions:

“But MY partner’s past, my situation, is totally unique!”

While everyone's story is a little different, time and experience has taught me that the path to peace of mind is pretty much the same for every retroactive jealousy sufferer.

I won't try to convince you of anything you don't believe in this masterclass; this is not about magical thinking. This is about helping you take the necessary steps to arrive at your own clarity, your own peace of mind.

(And after nearly a decade as a full-time retroactive jealousy coach, let me tell you: I have heard it ALL. Every RJ story you could possibly imagine--and more than a few that you can't. So I've put together this unique masterclass with all this in mind.)

"Are these videos in your other online courses, or your YouTube channel?"

"The Path to Peace" consists of 2.5 hours of all-new, recently recorded HD video content.

You won’t find this content anywhere else--not on YouTube, not in my other online courses, not anywhere. All of this content is 100% new and exclusive to this masterclass.

"What if I’m a conservative Christian/Muslim/Hindu/etc.?"

This is an entirely non-denominational masterclass, and I don’t promote or advocate any religious belief in this series. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, whatever—this is a video series for coming to your own conclusions, and gaining your own clarity and peace of mind, plain and simple.

“What if I disagree with your perspectives and opinions about sex, dating, etc.?”

Again, this course is designed to help you be your own coach, your own therapist.

I fully believe that, deep down, you have all the answers you need already. I'm not trying to convince you of anything; just showing you the tools that work to get the clarity and peace of mind you need.

"Why should I go with you and not another retroactive jealousy coach?"

You should always do your research on your coaches and the people you take advice from (including me! I’m by no means perfect).

But let’s look at this logically.

Without trying to sound petty or vindictive, the majority of today’s "coaches" and people speaking about retroactive jealousy on YouTube are former students of mine who’ve followed my online courses and programs.

Now, I don’t have a problem with that. As long as it helps people I’m all for it. But a lot of them just repurpose my original ideas and content and try to pass it on as their own. They even use my name in their YouTube hashtags. Again, no hate, just stating the facts and what my students have been telling me for years.

But wouldn’t you rather get the original source, rather than the watered-down version?

Would you rather learn how to cook from a random chef or Gordon Ramsay? (I'm being dramatic, but you get the idea.)

The choice is yours but the proof remains in the dozens of student success stories, as you’ve seen on my website, YouTube channel, and elsewhere.

"What if this doesn’t work for me?"

For the past 9+ years, with the hundreds of people overcoming the retroactive jealousy demons they thought they were stuck with their entire lives, we are way past the point of “guessing” if this framework actually works.

If you just follow the steps inside, I can't see how you won't get results. The proof is in the never-ending testimonials and student success stories.

I’m not going to tell you you’ll overcome this in 15 minutes per day. That’s nonsense and what scammy internet marketers tell you.

Now, be that as it may...

Some students have gained a new sense of peace and clarity in less than two days with this. Others have taken a couple of weeks. It really depends on your own, unique circumstances.

So while I can’t promise it will all be perfect after “X amount of days…”

If you purchase, I WILL guarantee you don’t pay a single dime if, for whatever crazy reason, you don't find the masterclass incredibly valuable.

Simply send me an email within 60 days of your purchase, and I will immediately refund every dime. No questions asked. I won’t ask you to “show me you’ve tried the course” or any other nonsense.

The reason I'm willing to take all the risk is because I know it works.

What you will find inside "The Path to Peace" changed my life, changed the lives of hundreds of others, and I know it will change yours, as you're about to experience for yourself.

“I’m not even sure if I’m struggling with ‘retroactive jealousy.’ I may just be in the wrong relationship…”

Then "The Path to Peace" will be perfect for you. I created this with you in mind, exactly.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to know whether it's "irrational retroactive jealousy," or a genuine clash in values/incompatibility in your relationship. As long as you take the simple steps inside the masterclass, this masterclass will help you find the answers you need.

"What if I don't have a lot of free time?"

I understand entirely. That's why I've kept the masterclass to around 2.5 hours of on-demand video. You can go through the entire class, perform the necessary exercises, whenever you have free time, in as little as 2-3 days, if you like.

"I can't afford it..."

Then I would pose a question back to you:

Can you afford to waste more weeks, months, or even years wrestling with retroactive jealousy indecision?

Can you afford to miss your chance at real love, real happiness?

Can you afford to continue feeling frustrated, angry, helpless against retroactive jealousy?

Can you afford to go on in your relationship without lasting clarity and peace of mind?

Of course, the choice is yours. However, I'd encourage you to think about what retroactive jealousy is "costing" you, in multiple areas of your life.

"I know for a FACT that my retroactive jealousy is 100% irrational. I don't have any doubts or questions about my partner's past, or their values. Should I take this masterclass?"

In this case, I would strongly encourage you to go to and explore my flagship online course "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" instead of "The Path to Peace." You'll find that course more applicable to your situation.

"The Path to Peace" is specifically designed to help RJ sufferers who feel conflicted about their partner's past values, and unsure about the future of their relationship.

"What's the difference between this course and 'Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast?'"

Each course is completely different, with completely different content and exercises.

While "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" is focused primarily on helping RJ sufferers overcome intrusive thoughts and "mental movies" about their partner's past, "The Path to Peace" is focused on digging deeper into the source of retroactive jealousy, getting clarity about your partner's values, and helping you get peace of mind about the future of your relationship.

"The Path to Peace" contains 2.5 hours of all-new, exclusive content and exercises. You won't find this content in any of my other online courses, or on YouTube.

I designed "The Path to Peace" and "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" to be complimentary, and work extremely well together. If you're looking for the best chance to start healing ASAP, and put RJ behind you as quickly as possible, I'd recommend signing up for both.

But if you are mainly struggling with the "values question" with regard to your partner's past (and not so much the intrusive thoughts and "mental movies") I'd recommend starting with "The Path to Peace, and you can always go through "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" at a later date.

"Alright, I'm in. This sounds like exactly what I need. How do I get started?"

Simply scroll to the bottom of this page (or click the orange button below), securely process your payment via either Stripe or PayPal, and you'll be up and running in less than 30 seconds.

The moment your payment is processed, you'll receive an email with access details for the entire masterclass, so you can get started immediately, if you like.

Also note there is no "expiration date" for your purchase, so whenever you want to access the masterclass--now or in the future--is absolutely fine.

I can't wait to see you inside. :)

The Haunting Opportunities That Pass Us By…

Let me ask you...

How long have you been struggling with your partner’s past?

How long have you been plagued by “retroactive jealousy indecision?”

How long have you been questioning their values, and the future of your relationship?

How many sleepless nights, or stress-filled days have you endured, wrestling with questions about your partner and their past?

It’s sobering to realize that right here, right now, we have the most time left on this planet that we will ever have.

And instead of taking action, we just dream about a better life… someday?

Instead of grabbing “retroactive jealousy” by the throat, and shoving it into a trash can, we let it claw its way back into our psyches and hold us back.

When I asked, nearly everyone who watches my free YouTube videos, or reads my blog, wants to move past their partner’s past, and gain clarity and peace of mind.

So why don’t we?

You already know it’s not the information alone. Much of this information is already out there! Waiting another month to get the clarity you need won’t change anything. If information alone were enough, you would already have clarity and peace of mind.

Sometimes, we need a little nudge from someone who believes in us more than we believe in ourselves. Someone who can encourage us, guide us—someone who’s been there.

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So that years from now, looking back on our lives, we don’t look back with regret and confess “I wish I’d believed in myself enough, and tried that.”

“I wish I at least tried.”

Because a better future really is possible.

A better relationship really is possible.

All you need to do is take the steps.

The same steps that have liberated me from the pain and frustration of retroactive jealousy for a decade (and counting), and let me have the relationship of my dreams.

The same path that has provided crystal clarity and peace of mind to my private 1-on-1 coaching clients from around the world.

When you join us today, you can walk in the footprints of hundreds of men and women who no longer struggle with pain, confusion, and indecision when it comes to the future of their relationship…

Hundreds of retroactive jealousy survivors who are fully enjoying their relationships again, giving and receiving love without hesitation…

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People who are too busy being excited about the future to be thinking about the past.

The steps are right here for you…

Clarity and peace of mind are within your grasp.

I can't wait for you to join us.

Talk soon,

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Meet Even More Retroactive Jealousy Survivors Who Discovered Freedom with My Work:

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Choose Your Masterclass Package Below:


Instant, unlimited access to the complete "Path to Peace" Online Video Masterclass. The moment your payment is processed, you'll receive an email with access to all of the course videos on-demand, accessible using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or PC. (2.5 hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: Guided Meditation for Accessing Your Intuition (Limited-Time Offer)

Instant, unlimited access to "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," my flagship online video course for getting quick relief from intrusive thoughts, obsessive curiosity, and "mental movies" about your partner's past. (11+ hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: One in-depth, personalized email consultation with author, instructor, and coach Zachary Stockill. Ask me absolutely anything in a confidential e-mail, and get invaluable, personalized guidance, support, and feedback as you overcome retroactive jealousy.

BONUS: An exclusive invitation to my 500+ member secret Facebook discussion group for current and past students. Get even more personalized support, guidance, and feedback from retroactive jealousy survivors from around the world.

60-Day, No-Questions-Asked Moneyback Guarantee

SSL secure, one-time payment of only $197 $97

**Most Popular Option


Instant, unlimited access to the complete "Path to Peace" Online Video Masterclass. The moment your payment is processed, you'll receive an email with access to all of the course videos on-demand, accessible using your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or PC. (2.5 hours of exclusive content)

Instant, unlimited access to "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," my flagship online video course for getting quick relief from intrusive thoughts, obsessive curiosity, and "mental movies" about your partner's past. (11+ hours of exclusive content)

BONUS: Guided Meditation for Accessing Your Intuition (Limited-Time Offer)

BONUS: One in-depth, personalized email consultation with author, instructor, and coach Zachary Stockill. Ask me absolutely anything in a confidential e-mail, and get invaluable, personalized guidance, support, and feedback as you overcome retroactive jealousy.

BONUS: An exclusive invitation to my 500+ member secret Facebook discussion group for current and past students. Get even more personalized support, guidance, and feedback from retroactive jealousy survivors from around the world.

60-Day, No-Questions-Asked Moneyback Guarantee

SSL secure, one-time payment of only $697 $477

If you have any questions or concerns about “The Path to Peace,” please send me an email at

I’m happy to help.

**The words "Retroactive Jealousy" or "Jealousy" will not appear on your billing statement.

It will read simply "Humans in Love OU" (the name of my company) to ensure your privacy.

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ONE-TIME OFFER: 1 Hr Coaching Call w/ Zachary Stockill (Reg. $497)

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