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say "Goodbye" to obsessive, intrusive thoughts about your partner's past.

Watch This Short Video to Discover The Simplest, Time-Tested, Fastest Method for Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy For Good:


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How Happy Would You Be In Your Relationship IF

The Obsessive and Intrusive Thoughts About Your Partner’s Past Stopped & Instead…

You Returned To Your Old, Normal Self Again, And Got Your Life Back?

Zachary Stockill's Time-Tested, Proven-To-Work Method That’s Healed Thousands of Retroactive Jealousy Sufferers:

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Introducing: Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast™

✓ Discover the complete, time-tested, done-for-you online video course for stopping painful, obsessive thoughts about your partner's past relationships and/or sexual history

✓ Kill the bully in your head and rewire the over-activated jealous/obsessive regions in your brain

✓ Stop the graphic mental movies and never-ending intrusive curiosity

✓ Master your thoughts and stop asking your partner about their past

✓ Discover simple, but powerful, techniques to get your life back

✓ Feel happy and secure in your relationship again

✓ Finally be at peace... and stay there




I finished the course in a week and a half. It was an instant help… I have made leaps and bounds from where I was.

You gave me the tools to fix this.


I started the course a month ago, and my relationship is the best it’s ever been…

I can’t recommend the course enough... It gave me my life back.


You’re the person who got me over something so difficult, something so miserable, and now it’s finally over.

Thank-you so much, Zach.


The difference I feel is night and day… If I had known what the course was going to do for me, I would have paid thousands of dollars for it.

Worth every penny.


After taking the course… I’m the happiest I’ve ever been because I can be in a relationship and be happy in it.

It’s not tense and awkward situations anymore. It’s just happy.


It was money very well spent... the course was very helpful to me...

It IS possible to overcome retroactive jealousy… Do the work, and you will NOT regret it.


It’s a night and day difference, the way that I feel…

I’ve never been more at peace… It’s an amazing thing, just feeling free.


Those "mental movies" about my girlfriend being with another guy... That was very bad.

Today, I feel free, I feel capable... [The course] changed my life, absolutely. I would have paid 10 times what I paid for the course.


Zach has done far more for myself, and many others with his program than you could ever imagine…


I felt hopeless… And [your work] changed my life. It was everything I wanted to feel, but couldn’t put into words…

I benefitted so much from it… I’m now enjoying my life again.


I'd been a RJ sufferer since I was a teenager... I signed up to the online course, and you provided me with the best tools I could possibly find.

It's been a huge game-changer for me.


I was in a very dark place with RJ. And two months later, it's night and day. My life has gone back to normal... My relationship with my wife is the best it's ever been.

I wish I would have found [the course] sooner. Thank-you so much.

New Zealand

I thought that I was "stuck" with [retroactive jealousy] for the rest of my life. And I took the course, and now I feel really good. I'm really happy in my relationship.

If [the course] can help me, it can help anyone.


I went from a 10/10 on the retroactive jealousy 'scale' to 0.5/10 in less than a month with the help of the course...

If you're as bad as I was, then getting the course is going to help you knock [retroactive jealousy] out.


You saved my marriage... I wouldn't have a marriage if it wasn't for the course.

The best thing that ever happened to me was learning what my "disease" was so that I could heal, and be cured.


Over the last five years, my retroactive jealousy got completely out of control.

I tried therapy, I tried hypnotherapy, I tried to fix it on my own… Nothing would work.

I found Zachary Stockill and he changed my life… The course works. My life is so much better now, so much more peaceful.


From the moment I started [Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast], that’s when I stopped having intrusive thoughts… The course alone stopped me from thinking all of those thoughts…

I’m so glad I found [the course]. It’s life-changing.


I'd been experiencing 'retroactive jealousy' for the better part of 30 years... And there's a calmness now that I've never felt before...

It allows me to really enjoy my relationship in a way that I hadn't been able to do until buying your course. That's made a big difference to my life.


The "mental movies" playing on and on... It destroyed me. I just couldn't get things out of my head.

Now, it's night and day... Finding the course is probably the best thing that ever happened to me, to be quite honest.


The biggest thing for me was the "mental movies..." Just, constantly ruminating... You think you're going crazy.

Working through the course, everything felt a thousand times better... This program goes so much deeper than just trying to get over jealous thoughts... I'd recommend it to anyone, 100%.


For the price, and what [the course] brought me, it was a huge bargain…

[Overcoming] retroactive jealousy is a gift in a sense that it is a “door” to an entirely new version of yourself that is more happy, more fulfilled…

And that’s when retroactive jealousy gradually disappears.


If I hadn’t taken the course, my relationship would be over.

It’s been a bit of a lifesaver, really…


After taking the course, it's a night and day difference... My life has changed significantly because of it.

Not just in terms of getting rid of retroactive jealousy, but also my day-to-day life... I'm much happier.



Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast™ SYSTEM


It actually has nothing to with "jealousy" at all, and is the underlying reason why you can still struggle even if you'd never, in a million years, consider yourself "a jealous person."


The undercover Eastern secrets revealing how to more or less be completely unbothered by the past, including your partner’s past relationships and/or sexual/dating history.


The easiest way to get control over your current painful thoughts is by flipping the scientifically-proven "jealousy switch" in the over-activated and obsessive regions of your brain.


The 3 key questions that reveal “leaks” in your current relationship, and is more or less all you need to decide whether or not your relationship stands a chance of surviving.

Why you can’t ALWaYS TRUST licensed therapists ON RJ

The reason you shouldn't always – for both your own and your partner's sake – blindly trust "medical professionals" when it comes to retroactive jealousy.


This strategy may initially seem quite bizarre, but it works – even if your partner's has been with only one, or a hundred people before you.


The ultimate way to spot hidden red flags, and know whether or not to invest in a relationship. I also share a nearly fool-proof tactic to determine if your partner’s past is a genuine "dealbreaker."

HOW to rebuild a relationship AFTER RETROACTIVE JEALOUSY

The most effective way to rebuild a relationship or a marriage if the horrifying damage of retroactive jealousy has been done. (I also share 7 BIG unexpected truths about saving relationships in general.)


Apply these simple "life tactics" in your relationship on a somewhat regular basis to prevent killing your partner's attraction for you, and repairing some of the damage RJ has (probably) done.


It's not always safe to mention your RJ to your partner. Despite their support and good intentions, talking about this at the wrong time can prevent you from ever recovering (and destroy your relationship).

The “biological secret” making men more jealous

Without tackling this primal instinct that makes men more inclined to be jealous by nature, it's next to impossible to overcome retroactive jealousy.

The truth for guys about what women really want

A confidential eye-opening reality check that almost every woman, pop culture, and society as a whole refuses to admit. Definitely not suitable for work (or YouTube).


This system works just as well for men and women. However, there is one little-known component women specifically must recognize to overcome this haunting nightmare.

The #1 key to an amazing sex life with your partner

I've never shared this #1 secret publicly on how to have the most mindblowing sex with your partner. (Best part: It'll also make you stay present during every intimate experience with your partner.)

The best defense against being cheated on

It works for both men and women and is one of the best ways to "prevent" being hurt, cheated, or lied to in a relationship. I've never shared this publicly.



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The entire Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast™ Online VIDEO Course

Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast™ is the ultimate tried-and-tested blueprint for overcoming retroactive jealousy. The most comprehensive, user-friendly, and time-effective method available for gaining instant relief and permanent peace about your partner’s past.

BONUS: An exclusive invitation to my secret COMMUNITY

Access to the secret community for current and past students of the course. Learn from the experiences of hundreds of other sufferers, share your story, ask questions, get direct feedback, and connect with others who beat retroactive jealousy for good. (This is 100% optional and NOT mandatory.)

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BONUS: An Exclusive guided meditation series for overcoming RJ

Access to a transformational series of guided meditation influenced by the home of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, aimed specifically to overcome retroactive jealousy, and get permanent peace about your partner's past. Very simple and easy to follow and led by yours truly.

BONUS: 15+ bonus videos on OCD, Building Better Relationships, & more

In addition to the “Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast” course, when you sign up today you’ll get instant access to over 15 bonus videos on saving your relationship, combatting OCD, student Q&A sessions, personal development exercises, and much more.

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take a peek inside THE secret COMMUNITY for current and past students:

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liberatING THOUSANDS OF retroactive jealousy sufferers

from around the world since 2014

read DOZENS more student success stories from my email inbox:

(Some personal details withheld to maintain student privacy)

I know you get a lot of emails but I think you actually saved my life. Not even kidding…

I'm happy, which wasn't the case for the last two years... I haven't finished the course but I think I’m healed.

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Your course has helped me so much…

The last week has been amazing for me and has eased my RJ more than I could have imagined.

Dan, USA
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I wanted to tell you that I am completely healed...

I must admit that at the beginning I didn't really trust the promotional video--I am a tough customer. But I feel like a new person now...

John, USA
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I bought the course at the beginning of August, and I have to tell you, it's given me so much hope... I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel…

The past few weeks have been amazing and my partner has noticed it.

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I wanted to thank you so much for all the time, effort, and research you have put into making this course.

I completed it in about 2 and half weeks and I started seeing results from the moment I started.

It was incredible. I'm so pleased to be doing so much better...

"N", USA
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Life-changing course…

I'm 25% of the way through, and I’ve already used your techniques to stop RJ in its tracks!

Tam, UK
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I'm doing great...One of the best weeks I’ve had in months.

I started your program and I am already seeing results... I know by the end of this I will be RJ-free. I was afraid I would never get out [of RJ] but your program has given me hope.

James, USA
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Since starting the course, I’ve had a couple of events that triggered feelings of RJ. When applying what I learned from you, it went away and I felt better within minutes…

The homework pays off and the joy that is brought to one’s life is unexplainable… I LOVE this course.

Joe, Canada
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Your course was phenomenal… It provided me with many different methods of successfully tackling RJ.

Going strong for 8 months now with my girlfriend, and everything is awesome!

Niko, Greece
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I am doing so much better since I have listened to your lessons… In a really good place right now.

Thank-you so much for your help.

Devonna, Australia
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Your course has really helped me… This is the most confident I have ever felt and my jealousy is quickly fading.

I finally I feel like I’m almost over this now. Thanks so much for your help.

Harry, USA
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Wanted to let you know that I'm only 37% done with the course and I feel like so much weight has already been lifted.

I haven’t felt this good in 13 years. Nothing has worked like this program has…

Joe, USA
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I once thought I was doomed, and that I was going to have to leave the woman I loved because of silly unwanted thoughts and mental images. But that's not true...

Your course really helped me through that time and it was worth every penny.

Anthony, USA
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Things are going well, Zach. I made it through the course in less than 2 weeks. It made a hell of a difference and I'm in a good place now.

Thanks a lot!

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It took around two weeks to go through the online course and I have noticed a significant difference in myself…

I've never spent money on an online course before... But this course is worth every penny if you put in the work.

David, UK
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I really want to thank you for putting together such a great course… I started to feel better immediately.

Your course provided a roadmap that I did not know existed before.

Timothy, USA
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I'm finishing up Part IV of the course and it's helping me a lot! I've reduced my amount of minor anxiety episodes from 20 every day to 2, and major anxiety episodes down to 0.

Honestly, solving this problem has been so helpful to my productivity and happiness!

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I cannot believe the difference in how I feel… I took the course and followed your guidance, and it really is a miracle worker.

The coping mechanisms and teachings are so well thought out to produce fast and long-lasting effects.

Michael, USA
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Your course helped my progress immensely… I’m usually very skeptical of these types of courses, however yours was a lifesaver.

I’m very, very happy with my wife and the life we are living, and I owe a big thank you to you!

Nick, USA
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Thank-you for being such a blessing... The course is really good and I feel so much better now.

The triggers and thoughts are way less powerful now, thanks to you!

Chee, South Korea
South Korea
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Your course has been very helpful during some dark times, and I've been applying the techniques you've given me.

Thank-you for the support.

Karl, Sweden
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I did the whole course in about two weeks... it's excellent and I'm glad I did it.

It's made a big difference to know there's support out there.

Guy, UK
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I started consuming your YouTube videos and signed up to your course...

I've made great gains... and continue to apply this in my daily life, and I have seen a significant improvement in the quality of my life and my relationship with my wife.

Logan, USA
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I have struggled with RJ for years, through 3 serious relationships which could have been bliss, but I just couldn't get out of my head and as time went on, RJ destroyed my relationships.

When my ex left me due to RJ, my heart was broken. I finally took the step to complete the "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" course.

I was skeptical at first, but it blew my mind. It helped me to make so many important and life changing connections and realisations in my life. It helped me to reframe the way I saw specific events and things that haunted me or things about my partner's past, and it helped me come to terms with them and not just see, but feel, what is really important and what matters in life, in love, and in a relationship.

My only regret is that I didn't take the course sooner. I would recommend it to anybody struggling. Zachary is incredibly down to earth and the course made me feel comfortable, at ease, enabled me to release some pain, and also left me feeling positive about my future, with a life free of RJ.

"B", USA
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I wanted to thank you so much for all the time, effort, and research you have put into making this course.

I completed it in about 2 and a half weeks and started seeing results from the moment I started.

It was incredible and I'm so pleased to be doing so much better and growing personally, so thank you again. Can't say I appreciate it enough!

Nolan, Canada
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The video lessons I purchased REALLY work...

Thanks so much.

James, USA
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My retroactive jealousy is 90% better. The course was well worth the money.

I saw therapists for 6 months and they had zero effect on my RJ.

Simon, Canada
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I bought your course in a moment of pure despair... My exact thoughts were "If this course is even half as useful as advertised, it will still be the best purchase I've ever made," and I was right.

What you do truly changes lives. It definitely changed mine. My girlfriend and I have been happily together for over 3 years now, and honestly, as weird as it sounds, we have you to thank for that.

Nathaniel, USA
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I don’t know if I can ever say enough about the gratitude I feel for you and the work you have done on this subject…

Thank-you. Thank you for making me feel like I wasn't crazy or alone.

"Ben", USA
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Just wanted to share my gratitude for your course...

I’ve probably gone through the worst experience of my life, and your course has definitely helped me get out of that dark hellhole.

"Stephen", Canada
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Your program really works!…

It’s amazing how easy it is to reprogram the mind.

Brandon, USA
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I want to let you know I used a lot of your work today with my girlfriend and just wanted to thank you...

I hope you understand the amount of gratitude I have for you and your course. I could never have continued without you...

Thank you again from me and my girlfriend.

Billy, Canada
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I'm doing great this week. One of the best weeks I've had in months. I've started your program and I am already seeing results.

My triggers are getting less and less prominent and the length of anxiety when the triggers do get to me is much shorter. The anxiety used to ruin my day but i am feeling much stronger and more in control of my mind...

I'm not very far into the program but it's working great. Thank you so much. I know by the end of this I will be RJ free.

Casey, USA
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My girlfriend said she would walk away if I asked anymore questions... she was done with it. I made her feel horrible about herself...

Since taking the course, I feel like a brand new person... Without the course and Zachary's help, I'd still be in the same retroactive jealousy rut.

If you're on the fence about signing up, use me as inspiration... I am truly happier than ever because of it, and my relationship is thriving.

Josie, USA
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I am a licensed psychotherapist...

The course you’ve put together and the exercises it contains is, in my view, the best way to deal with retroactive jealousy.

Thank you for the course. It is helping this therapist have a beautiful relationship with his wife.

Edmund, UK
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I am currently 88% done with the course...

I would guess I am 90%+ better than I was 6 weeks ago... My RJ has subsided tremendously.

Your work has helped so many people, myself included, and a "thank you" is the least I can do.

Johnny, USA
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My retroactive jealousy was quite severe. To the point that there was not a single conscious minute that I wouldn't have images and videos play in my mind...

Two weeks have passed and I have finished the course... I’m now at a point where I am thinking much less about the past and focusing on the future.

Thank you for putting this course together... It has helped me immensely.

T, India
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Zach, things are leaps and bounds better...

I am still working through a few things and still have a little bit to go. But I am so much better than I have ever been... I have literally never been more at peace...

Thanks for everything.

Geddy, USA
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The course has been incredible and I’m only on section 3. The techniques and explanations you use in some of the videos are so helpful in other aspects of my life and not just in fighting RJ which is always an added bonus.

The turning point has to be the whirlwind analogy lecture... Listening to the 10 minute breakdown of it was so effective.

"A", India
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I’m glad I signed up for the course, and taking it seriously, even repeating some parts, has certainly made a difference to the way I think and deal with RJ...

I recommend the course to anyone suffering from RJ. Take it seriously, and repeat parts if need be. I’m pretty sure there’ll be parts of the course that can make a difference and really change your way of thinking.

Gareth, Wales
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Zachary's course on RJ is a great tool.

I have been through it entirely and came out feeling so much better...

Jeff, USA
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I am very thrilled with my progress in just 3 short weeks…

Life is good right now and I intend on it staying that way.

Nick, USA
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My life has transformed completely after completing the course.

Like many RJ sufferers, I was doing a lot of damage to my marriage and pushing my wife away... I got to the point where I knew I needed to make drastic changes.

I ordered the course and started it immediately. It didn't take long for me to see changes in the way I thought and felt about my wife's past... After the first week, I had instant relief and was able to reframe my thoughts to not spend so much negative energy on them.

I am in a much happier place with the help of the course. Trust me: you can get over this... The course ultimately saved my relationship.

Steve, USA
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I had suffered from RJOCD for decades... A little over a year ago I had a major plummet down the RJ rabbit hole...

Those who have never suffered from retroactive jealousy will never understand, but those who have experienced it will understand when I say it was the worst thing I have ever endured... That’s when I signed up for Zachary’s online course Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast...

When I first read his words “Retroactive Jealousy Is A Gift” I balked at the idea. But his course, his videos, his teachings proved that statement to be absolutely true...

I am now so much more confident, I am living in the present instead of the past, am so much more calm as a person... I am in such a different place now, a place I couldn’t imagine ever being in a year ago...

Zachary is often imitated but never duplicated... He is the pioneer that got "retroactive jealousy" on the map, and his work, which is so much more than just a product, is heads and tails above the others out there...

I cannot recommend this course or the man behind it enough. Thank you, Zachary, for making such a huge difference in my life.

"James", USA
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I'd highly recommend this course to anyone who is suffering with retroactive jealousy. It really is first class.

I came across both the course and Zach's website on the internet and I was immediately struck by how different this was to anything I'd found previously. I started with the book which in itself is excellent, but that led me on to the course which contains a massive amount of useful information and insight.

The course is split into over 30 modules which are generally around 10-15 minutes long but all of which contain useful tools , advice and support...

I'm not going to say that this course contains some magical cure because that's not what it's about. What it does contain in spades is a very effective set of tools to enable you to deal with the issue...

I would really recommend this to anybody who feels that they are struggling with retroactive jealousy. The internet contains large number of forums on this subject but I'd steer clear of them. They simply do not get to the root of the problem as this course does and often I found made feel worse because they are peppered with extremely poor advice. This course is a far superior option.

Richard, USA
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My RJ hit me like a ton of bricks one day and gradually got worse to the point I could no longer function on a day to day basis. I couldn't eat, sleep or work...

I thought the only way out of this hell was to break off my relationship and start a new one, making sure I knew nothing of her past, not a very realistic goal considering the age we live in with facebook, twitter, texting etc...

I decided to change who I was and hold on to my current girlfriend, but I needed to change the way I thought and process emotions, that's were Zach's course came in.

As long as you follow the exercises and do exactly as he lays out for you in simple steps, you will beat RJ... I can now empty my mind completely and bring myself to the present moment. I can now observe feelings and thoughts and let them pass without having any emotional connection to them, rather than letting them rule my life like they used to only a few weeks ago.

I can guarantee that my RJ was worse than most, and yet today I can look back at myself only a short few weeks ago and laugh at the some of the things I used to freak out about.

This is the best online course you will ever do if you suffer from RJ, and the online group Zach has set up for fellow students is really helpful. I cannot speak highly enough of this course, it saved my relationship and how I go about life in general now is much healthier. Thank you Zach for changing my life :-)

Nicky, USA
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plUS: another LIMITED-time BONUS...

Get personalized, 1-on-1 Email coaching from me, author and course CREATOR Zachary Stockill

Have a question for me? Want to share your story? Looking for a bit of feedback on your unique situation? As soon as you sign up for the course, you will receive one confidential email consultation with yours truly, in which you can ask me anything you want.

So, let’s work together to get to the bottom of your problem and come up with a solution tailored just for you.

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My 60-day risk-FREE, no-questions-asked, moneyback guarantee to you:

Everyone who follows the laid-out steps inside gets results, which is why the course has close to a 0% refund rate.

But if, for whatever crazy reason, it doesn't work for you?

Simply send me an email within 30 60 days of your purchase and I'll personally refund your every cent, no questions asked.

Why am I willing to take all the risk?

Because I know it works.

What you will find inside “Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast” changed my life, changed the lives of thousands of others, and I know it will change yours, as you'll see.

Here's A Summary Of Everything You're ABOUT TO receive:

Zachary’s Time-Tested And Proven-To-Work Method That’s Healed Thousands of Retroactive Jealousy Sufferers:

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Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast™

✓ Discover the complete tried-and-tested, done-for-you blueprint for stopping painful, obsessive thoughts about your partner's past

✓ Kill the bully in your head and rewire the over-activated jealous regions in your brain

✓ Stop the graphic mental movies and never-ending intrusive curiosity

✓ Master your thoughts and stop asking your partner about their past

✓ Discover simple, but powerful, techniques to get your life back

✓ Feel happy and secure in your relationship again

✓ Finally be at peace... and stay there

PLUS: 4 free Limited-time Bonuses

BONUS #1: An exclusive invitation to my secret Facebook discussion group for current and past students

BONUS #2: A course-exclusive guided meditation series for overcoming retroactive jealousy

BONUS #3: 15+ bonus videos on beating OCD, building better relationships, Q&A and more

BONUS #4: 1 free email consultation with course instructor and coach Zachary Stockill

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Meet Your NEW Instructor

Hi, I'm Zachary Stockill, the founder of and the creator of "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast."

You may have found my work on BBC News, HuffPost, or YouTube.

Since 2014, "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" has liberated thousands of people from the shackles of retroactive jealousy.

It remains the #1 resource for overcoming retroactive jealousy with a staggering number of success stories that you can't find anywhere else.

People who once felt "hopeless," like RJ was just something they would have to "live with" forever – until they landed on this exact page.

Today, these same people are feeling like their "old selves" again, fully at peace, enjoying their relationships again, and planning for an incredible future with their partner instead of worrying about their past.

This is what's waiting for you around the corner.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t miss your chance to finally get your life back and start fully enjoying your relationship again.

I can't wait to hear all about your life-changing transformation,

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How To Get Instant Access Right Now:

To get instant access to "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," simply fill out the checkout form at the bottom of this page. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members Area where the entire course and all the bonuses will be instantly available.

I'll see you inside.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Okay this sounds great, but what exactly is Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast?

It’s my flagship online video course (but so much more) for overcoming retroactive jealousy where I share my tried-and-tested blueprint for stopping painful obsessive, jealous thoughts about your partner's past.

This is the same holistic step-by-step system students have used to:

● Stop the mental movies
● Rewire the over-activated jealous regions of their brain
● End the never-ending curiosity about their partner's past
● Master their thoughts and kill the bully in their head
● Build their confidence
● Overcome their deep-rooted insecurities
● Return to their old, normal self again
● Feel happy and secure in their relationship
● Achieve a mind-blowing sex life
● And so, so much more

I’ve repeatedly heard this is the only thing that’s healed people from their retroactive jealousy. But I don’t know about that. I just know that this is exactly what I did to overcome retroactive jealousy for good.

It combines scientific research with a groundbreaking discovery Eastern monks have known for decades about obsessive thinking and never-ending curiosity. I discovered this while traveling to South Asia (and no, it’s not meditation).

It's proven to be effective as every successful student of mine has followed this holistic, step-by-step system. It’s the quickest way I know to end retroactive jealousy and would’ve saved me so much time if I had it a decade ago.

And my students LOVE it (you can verify this yourself by simply watching and reading all the never-ending testimonials on this page).

Will this really work when nothing else has in the past?

With the staggering amount of student success stories, we are way past the point of “guessing” if this actually works.

The Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast program has liberated thousands of retroactive jealousy sufferers from around the world since 2014.

Every gender, sexual orientation, nationality, age, and background you can imagine. Even famous celebrities you’d recognize if I could tell you their names. (Really.)

I’ve had students who suffered from retroactive jealousy for decades and still managed to stop their obsessive thoughts for good.

The same students who thought they were stuck with their jealous demons for life, but are now enjoying a happy and peaceful life with the person they love the most.

I'm 100% confident and sure it will be the same for you - no matter how long you've suffered or how hopeless your current situation feels.

How fast can I expect to get results?

If you're somewhat familiar with my work, you know I’m not big on making a bunch of empty promises. I’m not going to tell you’ll overcome this in 15 minutes. That’s nonsense and what scammy internet marketers tell you.

Now, be that as it may…

Some students have completely healed in less than 2 weeks with this. Others have taken a few months. It really depends on your situation and unique circumstances.

So while I can’t promise it will all be perfect after “X amount of days…”

I WILL guarantee you don’t pay a single dime if this doesn’t work for you for whatever crazy reason.

No questions asked. I won’t ask you to “show me you’ve tried it” or any other nonsense.

I’m willing to take the risk on this because I just know it works.

The 60-day refund rate for this program remains close to 0% after almost 8 years since its original launch. And I believe there's a good reason for that.

As long as you just follow the steps inside... I’m confident this will transform your life and your relationship, as it has for thousands already.

What makes this different?

The Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast program was the first (and remains the #1) online video course designed specifically for overcoming retroactive jealousy.

Getting helpful advice from someone who has never experienced retroactive jealousy themselves is difficult, next to impossible. You’ve probably noticed this yourself from friends, family, or even people on the internet who just don’t “get it.”

Behind this powerful system are thousands of hours of groundwork, research, and trial and error before perfecting the formula to beat retroactive jealousy.

It’s based on scientific research with a proven holistic approach created specifically to stop the painful, obsessive thoughts about your partner’s past.

By activating the "jealousy switch" in the over-activated obsessive regions of your brains, the painful retroactive jealousy bully naturally dies...

And the obsessive jealous thoughts finally stop as you get your life back as you return to your old normal self again.

With thousands of success stories since 2014, I genuinely can’t see how this won’t work for you if you just follow the simple steps I’ve laid out inside to make it as easy as possible for you.

Will this trigger my retroactive jealousy?

Thousands of students have already gone through this program and not a single one has ever told me it “triggered” any mental movies, anxiety, or feelings of unease.

I’ve been where you are right now and I know how easy it is to get triggered, which is why I designed and focused on the solution – rather than the problem itself.

That’s why I’ve ensured this won’t happen when you are inside and on the fast track to healing your retroactive jealousy, completely trigger-free as you will see.

Why should I listen to you and not see a licensed therapist?

Well, first of all, if you think you need to see a licensed therapist or another medical professional, you should. The choice is yours. I never have (and never will) claim therapy doesn't work. It can definitely be helpful.

Personally, I went to all the therapists and counselors in the world. But they just couldn’t relate as they kept telling me to “forget about the past and focus on the present.”

One even said I was showing "sadistic tendencies" by how I was treating my partner, completely ignorant of the fact that I didn't want to hurt my partner as I just couldn't help it at the time.

Most licensed professionals simply aren't aware of how to truly beat this awful nightmare because they haven’t experienced it themselves.

I ended up wasting a lot of time and money. And I've had hundreds of clients tell me the same. They often come to me after trying therapy and telling me it just made things worse.

The only thing that healed my retroactive jealousy after years of suffering is the information I reveal inside the Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast program. And I’m absolutely certain it will do the same to you, as it has for thousands of others already.

Will this not go away on its own?

The short answer is; if that was the case, it would’ve already gone away by now.

Personally, I tried to wait for retroactive jealousy to "go away on its own," but it never did.

The truth is, retroactive jealousy is a bit more complicated than that.

You see, the real reason you’re struggling with your partner’s past is NOT because you’re crazy, jealous, or manipulative.

The REAL REASON is because the “jealous” and/or obsessive regions of your brain have been over activated for too long.

Scientific research shows that if a certain part in the left frontal cortex gets stimulated, we get obsessively more jealous. Now imagine if this exact part of the brain is constantly active, getting triggered 24/7 (for weeks, months, years, decades even).

This is what leads to endless suffering as the retroactive jealousy bully gets a firm grip on your brain where not thinking crazy, irrational thoughts about your partner's past becomes impossible.


Since most people are clueless this condition even exists, others secretly judge you or give you verbal beatdowns if you explain to them what’s going on in your head.

This is why you’ve most likely blamed yourself for having these painful, irrational thoughts about your partner's past – but it’s not your fault.

The Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast blueprint is the simple, yet powerful, holistic step-by-step system that kills the RJ bully and puts you back in control of your thoughts as the “jealousy switch” finally goes off, as it has done for thousands of retroactive jealousy sufferers already.

Why should I go with you and not another retroactive jealousy coach?

As I mentioned in the above video, you should always do your research on your coaches and the people you take advice from (including me, I’m by no means perfect).

But let’s look at this logically.

Without trying to sound petty or vindictive, the majority of today’s "coaches" and people speaking about retroactive jealousy on YouTube are former students of mine who’ve followed this exact program.

Now, I don’t have a problem with that. As long as it helps people I’m all for it. But a lot of them just repurpose my original ideas and content and try to pass it on as their own. They even use my name in their YouTube hashtags. Again, no hate, just stating the facts and what my students have been telling me for years.

But wouldn’t you rather get the original source, rather than the watered-down version?

Would you rather learn how to cook from a random chef or Gordon Ramsay? (I'm being dramatic, but you get the idea.)

The choice is yours but the proof remains in the thousands of student success stories, as you’ve seen on this page.

What if this doesn't work for me? Is there a guarantee?

Since 2014, with the thousands of people overcoming the retroactive jealousy demons they thought they were stuck with their entire lives, we are way past the point of “guessing” if this actually works.

If you just follow the steps inside, I can't see how you won't get results. The proof is in the never-ending testimonials and student success stories.

I’m not going to tell you you’ll overcome this in 15 minutes per day. That’s nonsense and what scammy internet marketers tell you.

Now, be that as it may...

Some students have completely healed in less than 2 weeks with this. Others have taken a few months. It really depends on your own, unique circumstances.

So while I can’t promise it will all be perfect after “X amount of days…”

I WILL guarantee you don’t pay a single dime if this (for whatever crazy reason) doesn’t work for you.

Simply send me an email within 60 days of your purchase, and I will immediately refund every dime. No questions asked. I won’t ask you to “show me you’ve tried the course” or any other nonsense.

The reason I'm willing to take all the risk is because I know it works.

What you will find inside “Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast” changed my life, changed the lives of thousands of others, and I know it will change yours, as you're about to experience for yourself.

I’m not great with technology. How do I gain access?

It will be very easy for you to get instant access and get started right away no matter how good or bad you are with technology.

Immediately after your payment is processed, you’ll receive an email with a link and login details. The moment you sign up, you'll receive access to the course in full, so you can proceed through the video lessons and course material at your own pace.

Simply create your account (with your real or fake name, choice is yours) and you’ll be on your way in less than 30 seconds.

Can I do this anonymously?

Absolutely, and 100% yes.

You have the option to do this fully anonymously by using a fake name when signing up. That is NOT an issue.

Your details are always 100% safe and secure and no one else will see the name or anything else from the payment information.

Will "retroactive jealousy" show up on my credit card statement?

No, it will NOT.

If this existed when I was in the trenches of my retroactive jealousy, I would’ve immediately taken action… but I wouldn’t want anyone to know what was actually going on with me, especially not my partner.

Because I remember how embarrassed I was going through this, which is why I have personally ensured this will NOT show up on your credit card statement.

Your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband will NOT know what you are going through. It will simply say “Humans In Love OU” on your credit card statement which is my registered merchant.

Even if they ask (they almost never do) then you can simply say you’re taking a self-improvement course – which is the honest truth. And simply say you’re not supposed to talk about it according to the instructions (if your partner asks what kinda course it is, but again, they almost never do).

The most important thing is you stop living with the haunting demon that is retroactive jealousy, starting today.

What if I am not fluent in English?

The course features an option for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese automatic subtitles.

OK, I read the page, watched the videos, and I still have a question about the course...

No problem.

Shoot me an email at with your question about the course, and I'll get back to you with an answer as soon as I can.

Please include the words "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" in the subject line of your email. And yes, it will actually be me (not a robot) responding to your email.


It will simply read "Humans In Love OÜ" to ensure your privacy

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Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy e-book + audiobook + meditation [Add-on]

Take your retroactive jealousy recovery to the next level.

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